Association of Child Health Research Center (Tabriz University of Medical Sciences)
Article One: In order to expand research and provide solutions in health, education, research and treatment, and in accordance with this statute, the Child Health Research Center, which in this statute is called the research center for short, is established to achieve the following goals: To be.
Article Two: Objectives
1- Development and application of human knowledge in the fields of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of children in order to maintain and promote the health of children
2- Carrying out basic, epidemiological and clinical researches in order to optimize the system of providing health services in order to meet the needs of society.
3- Documenting and publishing the achievements of the research center
4- Participating in the training of researcher human resources
5- Developing and upgrading the level of capability of faculty members in order to provide optimal services
6- Scientific cooperation with research and educational centers inside and outside the country
Article Three: The pillars of the research center are:
A) High Council
B) Head of Research Center
C) Research Council
Article Four: The members of the High Council of the Center are:
A) President of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
B) Vice Chancellor for Research, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
C) Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
D) Head of the Research Center
E) Three members of the faculty of the center upon the proposal of the head of the research center and the ruling of the president of the university
Article Five: The duties of the High Council of the Research Center are as follows
A) Approval of the research policy of the research center
B) Approval of cooperation plans with other universities and educational research institutes inside and outside the country and international organizations in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations
C) Reviewing and approving the annual budget of the research center within the limits of allocated credits and observing the legal criteria
D) Reviewing and approving the annual report of the activities of the research center
E) Approval of the instructions related to the internal affairs of the High Council and the executive instructions of the Research Center
C) Proposing the organization of the research center
Note: The approvals of the High Council of the Center will be based on policies, guidelines and in coordination with the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education.
Article Six: Appointment of the Head of the Research Center The head of the center is appointed by the Supreme Council and the president of the University of Medical Sciences once every four years, and his re-election is unimpeded.
Article Seven: Duties of the Head of the Research Center The head of the research center is the highest executive authority of the center and acts within the legal criteria and approvals of the Supreme Council for the implementation of duties and tasks.
Article Eight: Duties of the Research Council
A) Approval of research plans
B) Approval of the congresses
C) Research policy-making and determining research priorities for the research center
D) Cooperation inside and outside the university
Article Nine: Members of the Research Center
A) Associate members: Faculty members and full-time experts are the center.
B) Affiliate members: Faculty members of other departments of the University of Medical Sciences and other universities and institutions of higher education. Article Ten: Financial Resources of the Research Center A) Revenues from the services of the Research Center B) Assistance and gifts of natural and legal persons C) Government credits